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Simple, easy, and free online bookkeeping to record and analyze your daily expense and income in real time. Hal ini yang dialami oleh PT.AKUN.biz Online Cash Book, Sebuah Aplikasi Keuangan Buku Kas Online yang Mudah dan Praktis! Online cash book for your business, personal, community, organization, and entrepreneur. Penggunaan program excel dalam pembuatan laporan keuangan membutuhkan waktu lama baik dalam proses transaksi maupun pelaporan keuangannya. Laporan keuangan tersebut agar tidak ragukan kebenaran oleh publik, sehingga diperlukan metode atau aplikasi dalam pembuatan laporan keuangan.
Either using a computer or mobile phone, the data is always synchronized with one another.Employees can be asked to take notes in the office, while you at home can directly access the results, realtime! How Does it Work? AKUN is a cloud-based online accounting application. Post Test Studi Kasus 4: Studi Kasus Laporan Profit & Loss.AKUN can be accessed from anywhere and anytime. Mail merge, membuat aplikasi keuangan sederhana, hingga berbagai formula Google. Financial Report that comes with graphic will make it easier for you to analyze. What are the Benefits? All incomes and expenses can be recorded practically only in a few clicks. A new way to manage your personal, business, and organization financial.
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Take notes and monitor your finances anytime, anywhere, and from any devices, Online!Multi Cash Books Create multiple cashbooks, transfer sums between cashbooks. After registering, you can directly create cash books, specify the categories, and then record daily expenses and incomes.Anytime Anywhere Record & Analyze Easy & Practical More than 'just' a personal cash book! Practical Online Bookkeeping Financial bookkeeping applications that can be used for anything and anyone, from personal, organizational, to business or micro, small, and medium enterprises (SME). You only need to access from your computer or install the Android and iOS application on your mobile phone.
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